بایگانی برچسب: رشته حقوق

How should taxes be designed to encourage entrepreneurship?


چگونه باید مالیات برای تشویق کارآفرینی طراحی شود؟ This paper examines how tax policy should be designed to best encourage entrepreneurial activity in start-up firms. We begin by describing several presumed market failures affecting entrepreneurial firms that would lead to an under-provision of entrepreneurial activity: 1) information spillovers from innovations …

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Legal Empowerment and Social Accountability: Complementary Strategies Toward Rights-based Development in Health?

مقالات رشته حقوق

توانمندسازی قانونی و پاسخگویی اجتماعی: راهکارهای تکمیلی در راستای توسعه حقوق مبتنی بر حقوق در سلامت؟   Citizen-based accountability strategies to improve the lives of the poor and marginalized groups are increasingly being used in efforts to improve basic public services. The latest thinking suggests that broader, multi-pronged, multi-level, strategic …

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